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Compassion, Creativity, Code
Building for the animal protection movement since 2019

Compassion, Creativity, Code


We are a global community of passionate animal advocates offering our skills in building technology for the animal protection movement through design, development, and data. As capacity builders, we deliver innovative and quality services at no cost to advocates and organizations.

Our team is composed of highly-skilled and professional software engineers, designers, data scientists, and content creators. By leveraging our diverse background and skill sets, we design and build data-driven projects that aim to be effective and experimental.

Our capacity-building services are how we contribute to the movement. Leveraging our vast network of volunteers, we collaborate with individuals and organizations to offer web development, branding, and advisory services.

Watch our intro video

Watch our videos to learn more about us and our work:


Every project we release is 100% free for everyone. We believe in accessibility and transparency, and our projects reflect those values.



Compassion, Creativity, Code

Are you a developer, designer, writer, or a creative professional interested in applying your digital skills for the animals? Learn more about our team members and view our openings below.

On the BLOG

Read our blog post for project updates, announcements, interviews, guest editorials, and much more.

July 24
We can’t wait for next year’s AVA Summit already. Here’s why.

Going to AVA is like discovering a great vegan restaurant. And this isn’t about food. Stay with us. It’s about the experience. The second you leave either of these, you think to yourself, “Wow, I can’t wait to go back there again!” With the restaurant, it could have been the extensive menu that got you intrigued to return, or maybe some particular dish that you felt excited to order again. It could have been the vibe or the people the restaurant attracts.

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June 26
Top 10 Tips for Using AI in Your Advocacy

Perhaps you're new to AI, or you've tried it without much success, or perhaps you're looking for ways to advance the way you use it. Either way, we've got you covered. Recently, our Executive Director James Morgan shared insights on this hot topic at the Vegan and Animal Rights Conference in Manchester, UK. We've outlined the top tips from his talk that you'll be able integrate into your daily advocacy today.

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June 26
Accelerating AI ideas for Animals: Our Collaboration with ProVeg

We've joined forces with ProVeg Incubator to find the most innovative and impactful AI ideas in our movement. Seeing AI ideas slowly emerge in our movement and knowing how the agricultural industry has already implemented AI in its operations, we realized it was time to step in and offer our support to level the playing field. We've been on the lookout for the movement's most creative minds to transform the food system and change the lives of animals.

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Apply for a seed grant
We connect you with funders for impactful work in animal advocacy and activism.
See our 2022 impact review
Read our annual impact review and see what we've accomplished last year.