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August 29
Squarespace vs. WordPress: We Think the Winner is Clear

When it comes to deciding which platform to choose for building or moving your site, these two platforms come up in such conversations most often. If you're at a crossroads and unsure which platform to pick, you're not alone. In this blog post, we'll review the two platforms and see why one often comes out ahead of the other!

July 24
We can’t wait for next year’s AVA Summit already. Here’s why.

Going to AVA is like discovering a great vegan restaurant. And this isn’t about food. Stay with us. It’s about the experience. The second you leave either of these, you think to yourself, “Wow, I can’t wait to go back there again!” With the restaurant, it could have been the extensive menu that got you intrigued to return, or maybe some particular dish that you felt excited to order again. It could have been the vibe or the people the restaurant attracts.

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June 26
Top 10 Tips for Using AI in Your Advocacy

Perhaps you're new to AI, or you've tried it without much success, or perhaps you're looking for ways to advance the way you use it. Either way, we've got you covered. Recently, our Executive Director James Morgan shared insights on this hot topic at the Vegan and Animal Rights Conference in Manchester, UK. We've outlined the top tips from his talk that you'll be able integrate into your daily advocacy today.

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June 26
Accelerating AI ideas for Animals: Our Collaboration with ProVeg

We've joined forces with ProVeg Incubator to find the most innovative and impactful AI ideas in our movement. Seeing AI ideas slowly emerge in our movement and knowing how the agricultural industry has already implemented AI in its operations, we realized it was time to step in and offer our support to level the playing field. We've been on the lookout for the movement's most creative minds to transform the food system and change the lives of animals.

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January 31
Meet the Vegan Hacktivists: Gabriele Bernotaite

This month, we're diving into the story of the voice behind the content from Vegan Hacktivists and Violet Studios. Meet Gabrielė, VH's Communications Director! Originally from Lithuania, Gabrielė now travels the world and advocates for animals by spreading the word to help other organizations help animals. Dive in to discover the challenges Gabrielė has encountered since joining VH, what could have prompted her to embrace veganism earlier, and what led her to a career in communications!

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January 1
Meet Violet Studios: Our Design-Centered Sister Organization

On our 5th anniversary here at Vegan Hacktivists, we're proud to introduce Violet Studios — our sister organization dedicated to elevating branding and design in the animal protection movement.

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December 16, 2023
Granti: Revolutionizing Grant Management in Animal Advocacy

Discover Granti, a tool that transforms the landscape of animal advocacy funding. Navigating the process of grant management is now a breeze, as Granti offers a one-stop portal with customizable features for both grantees and funders. From intuitive dashboards to collaborative tools fostering shared applications and co-funding opportunities, Granti is the breath of fresh air the animal advocacy sector needs.

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November 29, 2023
When Daily Activism Meets Gamification: Introducing “Today For Animals”

Are you looking to make a difference for the animals? We have plenty of ideas for you – actually, more than just a few! Check out our latest project, "Today For Animals", and sign up today so that we can all be active changemakers for the animals, today and everyday.

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November 15, 2023
Are Animal Advocates Tech-Savvy? Insights From Our Movement

Technology can be a game-changer for social movements, and the animal protection movement is no exception. In this blog post, we explore our recent study about the ways our movement leverages technology.

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October 27, 2023
Go Ahead and Get Your Capacity Built

ADP has provided free legal counsel to over 300 animal protection nonprofits over a span of seven years. Through these partnerships, we've come to realize the unwavering commitment of these nonprofits towards their cause. However, their passion alone isn't enough to drive long-lasting change.

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