Our 2022 year in review
We're so happy to release our 2022 Year in Review! Scroll down to read all of our accomplishments thanks to your generous support, our partners, and most of all our amazing volunteers.
Our 2022 year in review
Providing value through Capacity-building services
We partnered with 10 organizations for animal protection
We are immensely thankful for the opportunity to partner and collaborate with other organizations dedicated to animal protection such as Sentient Media, Open Sanctuary, Animal Advocacy Careers, and Animal Defense Partnerships, and others.
We expanded our network by over 1500+ volunteers
Within our Playground community, we've been able to expand our network of volunteers to 1500+ strong utilizing skills like developers, designers, writers, editors, researchers, marketers, data scientists, and many other roles.
Building projects, research and community in 2022
Beyond building technology, we work hard to find and fill gaps in our movement. This not only includes building our projects, but also launching our research study, participating in various international conferences, and investing in the growth of communities.
Building more effective teams

Communication Team

Core Team

Playground Teams

Featured interviews

An update of our grant program

Over 45 requests from organizations have been supported since our launch. Over 1500 volunteers have joined the Playground community, and it's growing every day!
These volunteers are not just developers or designers, but also include data scientists, videographers, marketers, security experts, researchers, and many more roles.
New videos

Bonus projects

Minor changes with big impact
Sharing knowledge & support

Forward & Onward
We witnessed our biggest transformation to date this year. We focused significantly on the internal workings and processes of our organization, while also doing our best to serve organizations and advocates. We launched technology using machine learning and artificial intelligence, and we delivered new features and upgrades to high-impact projects. We attended conferences, spoke on podcasts, and created meaningful connections to expand our reach and impact. We launched the first study of its kind to collect data on the state of tech in the movement, and we partnered with 10 unique organizations in the animal protection movement on various initiatives. There is so much that we’ve done behind the scenes, and there is so much more to come. We are excited to be on this journey with all of you.